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Applying for Grants to Secure Funding

Preparing and applying for scientific grants can be laborious, time consuming, and laden with hurdles. This is particularly true for small business and start-up grants, where simply determining the appropriate grant type and granting agency or organization can be a challenge. At MED Institute, we assist you throughout the grant lifecycle to streamline the process and optimize the final application. To date, we have successfully helped clients receive and manage a multitude of grants from various federal and local funding agencies, including NIH, NSF, and DOD. Listed below are key milestones during the grant lifecycle and how MED Institute can help:

Identifying an area of novel research for potential grant funding

MED Institute has over 40 years of medical device development experience, offering services that advance and accelerate the availability of medical products to the marketplace. We have worked, and actively continue to work, with clients on hundreds of class II & III medical devices. For many of these devices, MED came alongside our clients during the early concept development and prototyping phases, leading to opportunities for grant funding to further develop and de-risk their device concept.

Assessment of potential funding agencies and appropriate mechanisms and determining the most favorable path forward

There are a plethora of federal and local funding agencies, each with a wide variety of potential mechanisms for funding. Drawing on our experience with these agencies, we help our clients choose the path forward that will most likely lead to success.

Managing timelines leading up to the grant submission due date

The grant submission is often complex. Nothing is more frustrating than when your collaborators or subcontractors fail to provide necessary information to support expedient preparation and filing of the grant. For example, if nonclinical studies are a major component of your grant application, a letter of support is often required stating the ability to perform the work and a commitment to support the work outlined in the application. At MED, we work alongside our clients, ensuring they have the grant essentials long before the submission due date.

Completing and submitting the grant application package

Each individual funding agency has a unique process and requirements for completing and submitting the grant application package. Knowing what documents are needed for the submission and ensuring all necessary components are present is what we do.

Addressing reviewer comments and critiques

If your grant receives a score but is not funded after the first submission, MED Institute can assist in determining potential pitfalls and shortcomings, and help remediate issues to facilitate resubmission.

Grant management & reporting

Once you have received notification of funding for the grant and the money has been disbursed, MED Institute can assist in financial and programmatic reporting to the funding agency to ensure success.

Grant renewal

With some types of grants, you may have the opportunity to submit an application for renewal and continuation after the initial funding period. MED Institute can assist in preparing and submitting this information to ensure a seamless transition into the next phase of the grant.

Contact us today to assist you with all aspects of the grant lifecycle.


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