The medical device industry has long understood the requirements related to process and software validation, however, US...
In part five of this series, we discussed forming an industry consortium as another means to develop...
In part four of this series, we talked about employing a third party to build testing equipment...
In part three of this series, we talked about validating your own test method and gaining FDA...
In part two of this series, we talked about working together with the standard organizations to develop...
In part one of this series, we discussed how medical device technology can frequently outpace the development...
This is the first part in a six-part series that will help explain your options. When a...
As mentioned in our previous case study , testing the radio-frequency-induced tissue heating by implanted medical devices is...
Regarding MRI safety, testing the radio-frequency-induced heating of implanted medical devices is important to prevent harm to...
For a device to be used in an MR environment, it needs to be evaluated for magnetic...
What kinds of MR tests are performed? Many virtual and physical tests are used to evaluate the...
If a patient has an implanted medical device that contains metal, then an MR scan can...
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